In this fast-paced and economically uncertain time, it’s more important than ever for everyone to have a better understanding and control over their financial issues. Everyone should know personal finance, from good budget management to thinking about investments. This is what this collection aims to help with. In this collection everyone will learn more about budget management. They’ll learn how to set financial goals and how to tackle debt. They’ll also be able to take a course on how to save, and understand the importance of pensions. Each training course in this collection takes 15 minutes or less to complete, which means everyone can fit the training to their schedule according to their needs.
Courses in collection
1. Good Money Habits: Personal Budget Management
Train everyone on creating a budget plan and teach them helpful budgeting tools with this course.
2. Setting Financial Goals
Train everyone on the importance of financial goals and help them set objectives to achieve them with this course.
3. Tackling Debt
Train everyone on how debt works, the difference between good and bad debt, and how to form a plan to get out of debt with this course.
4. Learning to Save
Train everyone on the importance of saving and help them create steps towards saving with this course.
5. The Importance of Pensions
Train everyone on the basics of pensions and teach them how to develop a plan to build their own pension fund.